whAt is Verge Of wAr?

“Verge Of War” is a scalable and balanced miniatures wargame with RPG elements, representing planetary battles in the original Sci-Fi Universe.
“Verge of War” is an original sci-fi space opera. History of the universe spans from the zero years to 2228. After that date the Galaxy’s future is yours to shape.
The system is highly scalable, allowing to play both skirmishes and epic battles if players have armies of corresponding sizes.

“Verge Of War” is a classical wargame with RPG elements.
- The game uses unique resin miniatures sets, six-sided dice (D6), cards, terrain, playmats and tokens.
- In total, there are 10 factions in the game – Forces of Humanity, Seit Aggression Force, Space Pirates, Asgar Civilization, The Kja Kingdoms, Eltofa, Rungars, Skrags, Triclons, Arachnids. Each faction has its own history, political structure, physiological characteristics, hierarchy. First 4 factions are already done.
- A typical game is very dynamic, consists of 6 game rounds and takes about 40-120 minutes depending on the size of the armies.
- You won’t just stand and watch during your opponent’s turn! You can react to nearly anything they do.
- The mechanics of “Verge of War” are easy to learn, but there is a lot of strategy involved in its confrontations. Players will have to think carefully: before the battle begins, a player chooses skills for the army commander from three skill sets representing different strategies, doctrines or military specialties. Each set is divided into 10 levels, which reflect the experience and expertise of your commander.
- Players can explore different strategies to find the one that best fits their play style.
- The game is well-balanced: it allows to use any combinations of units and win if you apply the right tactics.
- The Free Pose Technology allows unlimited variants of poses for your models. One set provides endless pose options for your characters.
The game’s plot is constantly in motion due to the active involvement of players via Intelligent Feedback System (IFS). You play and, we record the results and reflect them in the life of the Universe.
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