The fate of planet Griffon 22-4

Hi friends! Happy holidays!

In the world of the “Verge of war”, a year has also ended, a gaming year, a year that was very important for us as a team and for our loyal players and newcomers who managed to participate in the overall formation of the results of the year. It is never easy to be the first but they are the ones who enter history as heroes. On behalf of our entire team. we thank you, our dear players – you are real heroes!

And whose names will be included in the upcoming book – you will find out a little below. In the meantime, a few facts.

IFS beta season was started to test, improve the Intelligent Feedback System ( IFS) and show how it actually works.

To refresh your memory about what is Griffon 22-4 pls read the short story here…/Griffon-22-4_pics-Verge-of…

To know more about IFS please read here:

And to the results:

Total Battle reports gathered: 396

1 Tournament played

Results are here:…/

Total amount of point per season: 1008


Humans: 362 (Win rate ~56%)

Pirates:346 (win rate ~55%)

Seits:272(win rate ~50%)

Asgars: 28(win rate ~60%) (Note that the asgars have joined the season pretty late and have the lowest amount of games played)


Seits: 27%

Pirates: 34%

Humans: 36%

Asgars: 3%

So per IFS rules, we have a bloody draw and each of the participating factions get a part of the system, except the Asgars that ruined Humans momentum and gone. The novel behind this event will come soon.

Honorable mentions:

Some of the members of our community earned the right to add their character or Order in the Universe. So we have:

  • Human Noble House Teancum: The Spear of the Emperor created by Scott Harper.
  • Human Noble House Camlan: The Tameless Hunters created by Anton “Asaheim” Vashсhenko.
  • Pirate Сaptain “Firefly” Lucky Chucky created by Evgenii Kyzmenko.

All of these characters will be added to their faction Armybooks and will become a part of the Verge of War universe. Our congrats, friends!

Thanks to everyone who participated! You are shaping the future of the Verge of War!

After a few months break, a new season of games kicks off in March!

Battle-report form you can find here

Every report on count!

Stay safe, stay active!

Yours VoW Team

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