No one knows who firstly did this “battle trough”, but it greatly increased the mobility and activity of pirate fleets.
The mosquito fleet of such ships is difficult to spot and catch and they can easily approach the ship’s targets. And also to transport the spoil fast.
Another advantage of such “constructions” was that it is easily suited for the transportation the representatives of any races and classes of armor, from marauders to knights.
The cannon by some miracle, is tightened to the platform and covered with thermal screens and installed anti-leakage systems for transporting the landing gear.
The design itself is based on a station service platform. It consists of:
– The platform itself (a large metal base under which there are engines – maneuvering and marching)
– Control cabin (the only fully enclosed part of the ship is quite large originally meant for the operator working on the station.)
– A turret of weapons, usually a rail gun (automatic or controlled by a crew member).
– Several lightweight rifle turrets to be fired on non-armored enemies during an attack on a colony or hangars. Commonly are light emitters that can be replaced with lightweight mortars or turrets of recoil cannons, or armor penetrating missiles.
– Lists of armor and thermal screens protecting the landing platform during the passage through the atmosphere and also protecting from the enemy’s light weapon fire.
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