Second Verge of War Kickstarter

Dear friends! Great news – we will launch the second Kickstarter on May 21, 2019. This Kickstarter will be dedicated to the next two factions: Space Pirates and Asgars. Look, discuss, share with your friends, ask us questions – we will be happy to answer. We continue to fill out the Kickstarter page. 

spAce pirAtes

YEAR 2232. Four years passed since the first clash of the Human Empire and the Seit Dominion… And the Galaxy changed. Forever.

Greedy, ambitious and cunning humans joined Pirate Warbands and turned them into a bane of galactic routes. Their raider fleets have become a threat that only the greatest states are able to counter. 

 Pirates are by no means a unified faction. They’re as far from a regular army as one can get, and still they definitely are a bane of the Galaxy. Reasons for becoming a pirate are as numerous as pirates themselves. Some are exiles, some want to prove something, some are led by simple greed. Different gangs may have different motives, but they are still what they are: groups of criminals, ready to gather under a strong leader and try their luck.

SpacePirates Pledge

You get a 8 miniatures + All unlocked stretch goals for Pirate faction (max 22 miniatures) for free

AsgAr CivilizAtiOn

Asgar are one of the oldest races in the Galaxy. At the dawn of their age, ambitious and powerful Asgar waged wars against other civilizations and wiped them out. They’ve always acted in a cynical and violent way pursuing their own interests and satisfying their ego.

At certain point, the Asgar got used to playing gods, mentoring the younger races, giving more to ones and less to others. To see how some of the young races handle crises, the Asgar orchestrated cataclysms and observed. Not all managed to survive.

The Asgar founded the Galactic Council to control development and expansion of other civilizations, and everything worked as intended until disaster came… 

Asgars Pledge

You get a 8 miniatures+ All unlocked stretch goals for Asgar faction (maximum 7 miniatures) for free

…and of course Stretch goals!

If you like our miniatures – please  – spread the word about us and our wargame!  Be active, be safe!

Everything we do – echoes in the future! You shape it!


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