Tournaments and Events

We see tournaments and narrative events as means of telling the story of VERGE and expanding the universe with your help. Here is what we plan for the nearest future.


Within Tournament seasons, there will be two types of events:
  1. – Major events organized by IFG
  2. – Local tournaments organized by players
Several times a year IFG will organize major competitive and narrative events, and each season will end with the main final event. Local tournaments will be organized by players. Time, place and format are determined by the organizers. IFG provides all-round support and assigns ratings to local tournaments. Their results are reported to IFG to update ranking.


Players are awarded rating points according to their results at tournaments. Registered players will be able to view ratings on the IFG website. Procedure for calculating rating points is determined by IFG.

Character development

Rating points gained during tournaments allow players to advance their characters, which gives them various advantages. Character levels will be formed by players in their user profiles registered on the IFG website. Certain amounts of rating points will allow players to create named characters, whose name and actions will become a part of the VERGE universe canon.

Influence on the VERGE universe

Tournament results, depending on their rating, have direct impact on the development of the VERGE universe. The higher the rating of the tournament, the greater its results influence development of the universe and future events. After the end of a tournament season IFG will release a report, updating and progressing the universe background based on the season results.

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