“We are a free fellowship of truly independent creatures. We respect each other and stand united for our liberty. Tell me, what is higher than that?”
Captain Markurig,
Thirty minutes before stealing Thirunga Brotherhood’s bounty.
Executed by Terrans.
Pirates are by no means a unified faction. They’re as far from a regular army as one can get, and still they definitely are a bane of the Galaxy.
Reasons for becoming a pirate are as numerous as pirates themselves. Some are exiles, some want to prove something, some are led by simple greed. Different gangs may have different motives, but they are still what they are: groups of criminals, ready to gather under a strong leader and try their luck.
However, facing determined opposition, they quickly lose will to fight.
Captains prefer to use crews and supplies that they can rely on, so in most cases captains make their own kind officers and use familiar wargear.
Some races are more common among the pirate fellowship than the others, and some cannot coexist on the same ship at all.
A good captain knows that while representatives of most species may be knuckled down by officers and boatswains, there are some that will go for one another’s throats no matter what.
Pirates are quite an irregular bunch, but still they have to gather at secret bases or outposts to plan massed operations, repair ships and sell stolen goods.
Thirunga Port: mostly famous for piracy on trade routes.
Zarzarah Port: the most violent fellowship out there. Plunderers, kidnappers and slavers that aren’t above anything.
Ranghera Port: the biggest slaver guild.
Almara Port: mercenaries, offering their services to anyone able to pay.
Captains mostly rely on equipment and weapons made by their own kind, but this hardware is usually worse than military standard-issue. And, of course, pirates are much less disciplined than regular troops.
Nothing stops humans from becoming pirates, and they get along with other races quite well. Human pirates have access to many technologies and a wide range of light weapons: almost any of those available to the Terran military, and even some knights become freebooters.
There is no confirmed evidence of Seit pirates. Only rumors and legends of some commanders gone rogue, but these come from highly unreliable sources. Still, as they say, there’s no smoke without fire…
The Asgar civilization has pariahs and exiles, but they usually don’t live too long, since Asgar know well that security of their borders depends on one thing: no one has access to their mysterious technology. Would they pursue somebody who refused to take the technological wonders of their race into exile is another question.
Some Shorks are smart enough to understand that their civilization is merely a tool, a toy in Seit hands. Still, Shorks are a primitive race and they either rebel and get killed or run away and become pirates. Shork captains’ access to Seit technologies is severely limited: they only get what they manage to steal while fleeing.

Another race used by the Seit. Being cynical, avaricious and slippery, they cooperate with Seit hoping to snatch a piece from the master’s table. But they’re not always patient enough to wait for handouts, so piracy has become quite a natural element of their own game. That said, Jawgs make precautions to not allow any leaks of Seit technologies and avoid unnecessary attention.
An ambitious and powerful race that mostly relies on speed and long-range combat. Kja pirates are exiles, criminals or smugglers, and due to their mentality, many Kja exile themselves voluntarily to join a pirate fellowship. Their technologies and hardware are sold to pirates just as freely as to anyone else, and Kja captains make good use of this.
Eltofa’s centrifugal management system does not leave much room for local piracy, but no one will reject opportunities away from native worlds. Eltofa become pirates for exactly the same reasons as all others. And unlike Kja or Humans they are not restricted by any moral codes: they come to make money and won’t stop before anything, as long as it grants profit. Eltofa captains usually have free access to technology and weapons of their race, but manpower is a problem: few Eltofa agree to leave comfort of their homes behind.
Favorites of the Asgar whose civilization was nearly destroyed by the Seit. Just like Kja, Triclons value speed and firepower, but their motive is not greed or lust for adventure. It is the blood thirst that leads them. Anger, desperation and appetite for revenge make Triclons do horrible things.
A Triclon captain will never allow Shorks or Jawgs on board. Their self-imposed isolation could make ammunition and supplies an issue, if not for the access to some nearly Asgar-grade tech.
Being a race of traders and pathfinders, Skrags have no tolerance for pirates. They hunt pirates down and exterminate mercilessly, and only a truly desperate Skrag can resort to piracy.
If this is the case, the whole clan usually severs all ties with its home and people and thus Skrag pirates have no access to weapons and hardware beside what they take into exile.
Purposeful and systematic Rungars see no harm in crippling their enemy’s trade routes. While Rungars themselves become pirates on extremely rare occasions since they are tied to their planets, hiring privateers and supplying them with intel, weapons and hardware is quite common.
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Who represents pirates on tabletop?
Pirate Captain
He is one of the many pirate captains commanding the ships of his armada and performing raids along the Milky Way. The pirate captain is a huge man who owns the trophies of the killed enemies, weapons of different races, and old worn-out clothing as a reminder of the past days before they became pirates. Captains of pirate guns use weapons of the best quality that a rebar can offer, and highly decorated to represent the rank of captain.
They are the command miniature in the Pirates army that have 2 command orders and a high Range and Close combat stats. Also on the field if they are targeted by enemy fire they are protected by his shipmates, often not willingly.

Shork Boatswain
Some Shorks are smart enough to understand that their civilization is merely a tool, a toy in Seit hands. Still, Shorks are a primitive race and they either rebel and get killed or run away and become pirates. Shork captains’ access to Seit technologies is severely limited: they only get what they manage to steal while fleeing.
Shorks favourite weapons are:
- Elfota Axe – Heavy and made from the unique Eltofian metal that can cut through armor this axe is one of the favorite for the Shork Boatswains.
- Boarding beamer – Once free from Seit mind controll the Shork want to shoot like the rest of the team, but since the accuracy of the Shork are low the Rungar mechanics adapted the Kija beamer to work like a shotgun. The Boatswains just need to point the Beamer to the general direction of the enemy and pull the trigger.
- Plasma cutlass – “The captain has a fancy sword so I want to have the fancy sword to, but it must be bigger, you got that?”(c) The first boatswain to wield the plasma cutlass.
- “Anchor” – Rungar who created it called it “The mass infantry destruction device 3000” but for a pirates this was a to difficult name to remember so they just called it “Anchor” because of its weight and form.
Void Raider Veterans Team
Pirates are butchers and vultures. Bastards that have not found a place in their native society. Of course, among them, there are anarchists and real revolutionaries who oppose the tyrants of their own planets.
But this does not change the fact that Pirates do not have access to either a reliable source of equipment or training, which generally adversely affects their combat level, that’s why veterans are hardened and experienced fighters who solve the problems wherever it is needed. They are the most valuable fighters in pirate crew.
Often the former military, and the captains provide them with the best possible equipment and weapons, which is hard to find because of cutthroats and experienced warriors in all ports and impoverished colonies.
The most widespread fighters among the Veteran Void Raiders are HUMANS, SKRAGS, and KJA.
HUMANS. Cruel, aggressive and well trained, Humans often become the backbone of shock troops, equipped with converted knightly sergeants armor HAS 3A2 “Hoplite”.
After the beginning of the war with the Seits, the Noble Wing of the Terrans and the Army assault units moved to a new modification of the “Hoplite”, so in the warehouses, there were plenty of exoskeletons and weapons for them to … meet the needs of the market. As well as a sufficient number of non-clean-handed officials.
SCRAGS. The Scrags do not see anything wrong with piracy, if it does not endanger the interests of the Scrag companies or corporations, and it is easy to find among the mercenaries representatives of regular soldiers with military equipment, the Command of which … found it advantageous to leave a few of their fighters on vacation, along with weapons and equipment.
Sсrag’s exoskeleton “Shell” is not inferior by its main characteristics to humans Hoplite.
KJA. The fierce competition among the noble descendants of a grand families regularly provided exiles with enough training and money to buy good weapons, and with the need to stay as far as possible from the “loving” family.
These exiles from Kja society armored with the best armor their civilization can provide, which are equivalent to the level of the middle infantry of Humans or Scrags. The desperation of their situation makes them cruel and aggressive fighters.
Often, other members of the pirate companies say that the Void Raiders veterans receive their money for nothing, just because the captains do not want to risk their valuable armor. But rarely who said this in the presence of veterans and was able to go away easily.
Void Raider Team
Elite core of the pirate team, the most furious and strong warriors among pirates and the trusted team of the Pirates Captain. Members of Void Raiders assault units are deeply respected and even feared in the pirate brotherhood, and not without reason. They are daring break-necks that are ready to spearhead boarding actions and carry out lightning-fast attacks using their jet-packs. Their backpack allows them to attack targets of the raid from the high orbit and move rapidly across the battlefield.
Set represents 3 different races of the Verge of war Universe: Human raider, Rungar raider, and Triclon woman raider. Each raider has a unique set of gear that he get with him than joining the pirates, you can even find a repairs made in the ship workshop on these miniatures. The best gear of the ship armory is given to the Void raiders with a different variety of weapons from the Scrag shotgun to the Human Astroborn rifle.

Assault transport “Boat”
No one knows who firstly did this “battle trough”, but it greatly increased the mobility and activity of pirate fleets.
The mosquito fleet of such ships is difficult to spot and catch and they can easily approach the ship’s targets. And also to transport the spoil fast.
Another advantage of such “constructions” was that it is easily suited for the transportation the representatives of any races and classes of armor, from marauders to knights.
The cannon by some miracle, is tightened to the platform and covered with thermal screens and installed anti-leakage systems for transporting the landing gear.
The design itself is based on a station service platform. It consists of:
- The platform itself (a large metal base under which there are engines – maneuvering and marching)
- Control cabin (the only fully enclosed part of the ship is quite large originally meant for the operator working on the station.)
- A turret of weapons, usually a rail gun (automatic or controlled by a crew member).
- Several lightweight rifle turrets to be fired on non-armored enemies during an attack on a colony or hangars. Commonly are light emitters that can be replaced with lightweight mortars or turrets of recoil cannons, or armor penetrating missiles.
- Lists of armor and thermal screens protecting the landing platform during the passage through the atmosphere and also protecting from the enemy’s light weapon fire.
Listen, kid.
There is one good thing about being a marauder: you never stay marauder for long.
Marauders are the worst in the crew, just a random bunch of misfits equipped with what they have managed to steal. They can hit something if the target is standing still and big, but, you know, the weapon they have can hardly be called guns. Its the “Tubes that fire that way” as our tech master once said, so maybe they could kill a raptor but only if it was already dying.
But you know, during the raid someone needs to catch the bullets and the Marauders are just the guys who can do it, actually they are really good at it, but if you survive you get your share of the bounty and, what more important, the respect of the crew.
So, you never stay Marauder for long, you either dead or no longer a Marauder.
Brigands are the next step you get after you survive the raid as a Marauder. The Brigands are the backbone of the crew, they get better guns and even some armor. They know how to hit their target if it’s not in a hurry…
Being a Brigand is no an easy task though, between the raids, they clean up the ship, maintaining the guns, and doing all other boring but necessary stuff. But once the raid started Brigands keep the line, secure the landing zone, and taking enemy fire – some more boring necessary stuff.
Still better than being a marauder!
“Oyyy, these babes!? They are my favorite, yes.
I borrowed them from that cargo hold and made some, well, adjustments, yes. Cartel is using this babes to make repairs, and move some stuff between the shelves, yes. But I made them way better, yes, yes.
The laser they got is now capable not only to repair but also to cut the juice even from the Eltofa armor, and if it gets to you this babes will stick to you and you won’t be able to move, yes, not for long, of course, I’m still working on it.
You know what the best part? I got plenty of them, yes-yes-yes!
And don’t look at me like that, I’m not some kind of this crazy humans, I’m a Rungar mechanic, yes!”
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